Peyton Baumgarth was an eighth-grade student from Missouri passed away from complications related to Covid-19, officials in his school district said

Baumgarth died over the weekend, Dr. Lori VanLeer, the superintendent of his school system in Washington, said in a statement sent to families in the district.

Peyton is the youngest person to pass away from Covid-19 in the state of Missouri according to state records.


He was 13 years old.


His mother’s name is Stephanie Franek.

 Peyton Baumgarth Last Day At School 

His last day of school was October 22, and the school was informed he was in quarantine the following Monday, according to VanLeer’s statement.

“We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family and ask that the public respect their privacy,” she wrote. “His family deserves nothing less. The family also asks that we all remember to wear masks, wash hands frequently, and follow guidelines. COVID-19 is real and they want to remind students and parents to take these precautions in and outside of school.”

Peyton’s uncle, Wayne Franke Jr., told CNN affiliate KSDK that Peyton’s mother also tested positive for Covid-19.
“I can’t imagine what she’s going through,” Franke said. “Nobody should ever have to deal with that.”


The eighth-grader in Franklin County died over the weekend from complications caused by the coronavirus, marking the first death under the age of 18 in the state.

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Stephanie Franek, his mother, told News 4 that she tested positive for the coronavirus on October 26 and that Baumgarth was presumed to have the virus because he was showing symptoms. She said he didn’t have any underlying condition, but his condition declined rapidly.

“He just wasn’t getting any better and his condition was getting much worse, to the point he needed medical attention,” said Franek.

Franek said Peyton was admitted to SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital on Thursday and died on Saturday.

“This is just something that no parent should ever have to do, and I don’t even know how to take a breath, let alone get through the next days and weeks and months and years without him,” she said.

Baumgarth was an 8th grader at Washington Middle School.

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