Bianca Rudolph WIki – Bianca Rudolph Biography
Bianca Rudolph was the wife of a Pennsylvania dentist Lawrence Rudolph. Dr Lawrence Rudolph has been charged with murdering his wife during a 2016 African hunting safari as part of an insurance scam and to get out of his marriage to be with his long-term mistress.
Her age is unclear.
Bianca Rudolph Killed
The pair were avid hunters and had flown to Zambia in October 2016 so that Bianca could kill a leopard. At around 5 am on October 11, gamekeepers and scouts heard a gunshot coming from their cabin.
They found Bianca lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the chest when they got there.
Her husband claimed he was in the bathroom at the time and that she had accidentally shot with a Browning 12 gauge shotgun herself while packing up her gun for a day’s hunting.
Zambian Police believed him, ruling the death an accident and allowing him to travel back to America, where the FBI agent says he quickly resumed his relations with an unnamed ‘girlfriend,’ who he’d been having an affair with for years.
The FBI was notified of the case in 2016 after one of Bianca’s friends called them to say she was suspicious about Bianca’s death.
Bianca and Lawrence, or Larry, had been married since 1982, and while they enjoyed hunting together, the friend said he was prone to affairs.
They were unhappy but would not get a divorce, the friend said, telling the agent: ‘Larry is never going to divorce her because he doesn’t want to lose his money, and she’s never going to divorce him because of her Catholicism.’
Criminal Complaint Against Lawrence Rudolph
According to the criminal complaint, in the weeks after murdering his wife, the dentist claimed seven payouts from seven different insurance companies in multiple states. The total payout was $4.8million.
The day after his wife’s funeral, he booked a plane ticket for his girlfriend to fly from Pittsburgh to Phoenix, but he then cancelled the ticket and booked a different flight for another woman he met up with within Las Vegas.
According to the FBI agent, he had gone to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico with the first woman in the months before his wife’s death.
As part of their five-year investigation, FBI agents interviewed the wife of one of the hunting guides on the Zambia trip who said Larry bribed officials to rush cremating Bianca, even though she was a devout Catholic.
The wife also thought it was strange, she said, that he refused to answer calls from the pair’s children.
Three years after her death, a former employee of the dental practice run by Larry told the FBI agent that a manager at the course confided in them that she was his girlfriend of 15-20 years and that she had given him an ultimatum to leave Bianca in the months before her death.
As part of its investigation, the FBI carried out a ‘reach test’ to determine whether or not it would have been physically possible for Bianca to shoot herself with the gun – a Browning Shotgun accidentally.
They found it was impossible, as did a Colorado Medical Examiner who was shown photos of Bianca’s body.
‘In my opinion, it would be physically impossible to fire this shotgun in its carrying case accidentally and produce the entrance defect noted on the body of Ms Rudolph.
‘The tip of the carrying case was most likely at least two feet from Ms Randolph when the weapon was discharged regardless of whether it was on a cylinder or full choke settings.
‘Further, it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for Ms Rudolph to reach the trigger of this weapon even if it was placed in the case with the muzzle pressed against her chest,’ the medical examiner ruled.