Arika Kakakaway was last seen walking home in Braeside on Thursday night. Officers from multiple units are continuing to search for a girl who was last seen in the southwest neighbourhood of Braeside on Thursday evening. Police ask for area residents to check their home-security camera footage for any sightings of the child.
She is 9 years old.
Arika Kakakaway Missing
The child was walking home from a friend’s house at about 9 p.m., but she didn’t arrive home, police said in a release. She was last seen walking along Brackenridge Road S.W.
Investigators worked through the night to find the girl, including aerial searches by helicopter, but they have not been able to locate the child so far.
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Kakakaway is described as Indigenous, with a heavy build, shoulder-length dark brown hair with a buzz cut at the back, and brown eyes.
She was wearing a pink and blue tie-dyed backpack, a blue sweater, blue jean shorts, and checkered pink and purple Vans shoes.
Residents in the area who have surveillance systems are being asked to check their footage for any evidence.
“We would like to thank everyone who left their homes late last night to go look in the parks and areas around their neighbourhoods for Arika,” police said.
Police say no Amber Alert has been issued because no evidence has been found that suggests an abduction, which is one of that system’s criteria.
“As we continue our investigation, we are constantly evaluating whether an Amber Alert is appropriate and will issue one as soon as the criteria are met,” police said.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the police non-emergency number at 403-266-1234 or Crime Stoppers.